Dragon Ash – TsunagariSUNSET PV

Dua jempol buat PV Dragon Ash yang ini!! d^0^b. TsunagariSUNSET, dari latest album mereka “Freedom”, bernuansa reggae dan Spanish banget. Awalnya waktu denger lagu ini gue nggak terlalu tertarik. Tapi begitu liat PV-nya, langsung naksir XD. Setelah diteliti, makna lagunya juga bagus (maklum karena nggak pinter bahasa Jepang, mesti nyari translation-nya dulu hehe…).

Gue suka banget visualisasinya yang simple, latar-belakang sunset, dan warna pencahayaan yang kesannya hangat. Waktu adegan Kj main gitar sendirian itu, rasanya pengen gue temenin XD.

Kebersamaan dapat menyatukan hati. Sekalipun berpisah, hati akan tetap terhubung. Dengan perasaan ini, membuatmu tidak merasa kesepian. Karena kau tidak pernah sendiri. Ini yang gue tangkep dari lagu ini. Makna yang dalem, video yang keren. TsunagariSUNSET ^_^

Lyric translation:

We’ve all walked in the twilight by the window

But I’m sure we’ll laugh together,

Yeah, 'couse no one is alone

Light the bonfire even if you’re feeling lonely

We’ll shine a light on each other,

Yeah, and make it through the night

We always pass each other by in the sundry city

As the streets grow dark it’s too late to wait for the light

Somehow our longing freezes us up

Look, we need someone again today…

The day are filled with anxiety

Everyone’s darkened by their insecurities

But still people want to go out and meet one another

They have long conversations that last ‘til morning

Yeah, this is how we make connections

On weekends, we put our arms around each other’s shoulders and talk

After a few drinks together we say, “see you next week”

Every week it’s like this and this contact makes me grow sleepy

I’m sure I’ll meet someone new…

Sometimes huge failures pain your heart

But we love each other and you’re dear to me

Large petals flutter and the days bloom into hope

Yeah, we are never alone

Yeah, we’ll always be crying out and needing someone

Yeah, we’ll always be uniting our voices and shining ‘til the end

We’ve all walked in the twilight by the window

But I’m sure we’ll laugh together,

Yeah, 'couse no one is alone

Our slightly tearful eyes and clenched hands

We’ve always brought them together and gathered close

People long to meet new faces, wishing to make multiple contacts

We’re crusin’, searching for connections beyond the darkness

Yeah, we’ll always be crying out and needing someone

Yeah, we’ll always be uniting our voices and shining ‘til the end

When you can’t sleep late at night I know you’re just searching

I’m sure the morning sun will shine again on our connected hearts

Yeah, we’ll always be…

(lyric translation from http://www.jpopasia.com/lyrics/17505/dragon-ash/tsunagari-sunset.html)

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