The Next Rock Festival!!

ORANGE RANGE getting busy for their next perform in two rock festival! As we knew, they're preparing to the new single release. Then the next month after it, they will perform in rock festival in Okinawa.

ピースフルラブ Rock Festival 2011

It'll starring by ORANGE RANGE, Civilian Skunk, YULO (Toyonaka ピースフルラブ Rock Festival Audition), The Blue Sky Kick's, Nuchi, 7!!, Stereopony, ZUKAN, All Goith Jepang, and D-51. It'll take over two days, July 9-10 2011. OR will perform on the first day. Tickets go on sale on May 22!

(ピースフルラブ Rock Festival 2011 official web)

The second performing will in Rock in Japan Festival 2011!
It'll be held on August 5-7 2011. And ORANGE RANGE will be the first performance! (at least it written on their official web). Other artist such as 
another sunnyday, androp, capsule, 氣志團, GOOD4NOTHING, GLORY HILL, SPECIAL OTHERS, Takahashi Yutaka, Chara, the telephones, TOTALFAT, TRICERATOPS, Dragon Ash (yeaay~ they'll here too!! #bounch), Nothing's Carved In Stone, Nihon Madonna, HALCALI, THE BACK HORN, 真心ブラザーズ, 溝渕 文, MONOBRIGHT, Momorurugyaban, Unicorn, and more! (artist can change)

(Rock in Japan Festival 2011 official web)

Nah! Are you ready to rock???!! MySpace

from OR Official web

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3 komentar:

Nik-chan mengatakan...

Yeas! I'm ready to rock!! xD I would like visit this fests... I can't T^T

mii mengatakan...

ofcourse I would it like crazy!! (>_<)
unlucky.. I cant too T_T
I hope oneday we can go watch them together, Nick-chan ;)

Nik-chan mengatakan...

yai~! with all renji wives ^^

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