Kakkoi in Pink T-Shirt!

Look at them!!! So kakkoi ne! (>o<)

Yoh and Hiroki was guest stars for Orange Range's orcd album promotion.
I dont understand more what they talking about, but really happy watching my koi (Yoh) appears more than Hiroki, not as usual xDD
He was also talking much (I love his gesture on it) xD~

At the last part, Yoh have to promote the album by him self only (bcuz Hiro appointed him). I guess Yoh thought "damn Hiroki!" lol
And he did it! So simply.. but I was "kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" *and nosebleeding*

Demoooooo!! The show was wrong about writing name. He is YOH, Director-san, not RYO! *shimatta!*

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